Why you should have Left Day

Left. The weaker side of the average person. (If you are left sided then this entire article applies to your right side.) It is the side that lacks dexterity and strength while being controlled by the less dominant side of the brain.

"A chain is only as strong as its weakest link"

And so a person is only as strong as their weakest section. Thus the left side needs to have it's own day for improvement. Three traits need to be improved: strength, dexterity, and general right brain ability.


Strength: You can do one sided exercises like the bicept curl, oblique lift, one handed upright rows, one legged squats and calf raises.

Dexterity: You can improve left hand dexterity by learning to write with your left hand, drawing with your left hand, and if you are dedicated enough going through your entire day using only your left hand.

Right Brain: Your right hemisphere controls your left side. The right hemisphere is also typically weaker than the language and logic oriented left hemisphere. And so you should draw and do visual puzzles to strengthen it as well as doing left sided activities.

One day a week take an hour to work your weak side and you'll find yourself stronger and more evenly balanced.

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