The rules to living an awesome, day every day.

1. Dance to the music.

     1.1 Especially your favorite music
     1.2 The exercise is great for your health and gets lots of oxygen to your brain!
     1.3 Techno is great for this. Great song to get pumped to:

2. Be silly. 

     2.1 Laugh, be absurd, do a funny dance, tell a silly joke ( even if its really cheesy)
     2.2 This is great to do with friends and will stimulate your creativity.
     2.3 Be like the red queen and think of six impossible things before breakfast.
     2.4 Books like Alice in Wonderland and Catch 22 are great literature for silly stuff.

3. Laugh 

     3.1 Laugh ( laughing is like the flu it's contagious), or just do things that'll make other people laugh. Laughing can instantly make you and other people happier and feel better.

4. Do what you love.

     4.1 If you love going outside, reading, running, walking by the water, and/or sleeping. Then do it! (all!)
     4.2 And if you have free time then go out and try new hobbies to find new things to love. ( Botaoshi, gooming pets, and sleeping in almost every setting are great hobbies to pick up.)

5. Move 

     5.1 If you lay around all day you are going to deteriate and lead yourself to unhappy laziness. If you're moving you're getting blood pumping through your body and you'll think clearer and have much more energy.

6. Smile!!! 

     6.1 Smiling is like laughing, it makes you feel better. If someone sees you smile then they're likely to smile too. Also don't forget: You look better when you're smiling! :)

7. Find love

     7.1 Partnership Love, Familial Love, Lust They all make life vivid and worth living. These are probably the most important things of all. 
     7.2 Find the Yin to your Yang, having someone else to be intimately linked to is a psychological buffer to misery.


     8.1 When I originally wrote this about a year ago I only had eight things typed out but number eight had been left blank. Now I wonder. What should have been in this slot? Let me know in the comments if you think there's anything that can be added here!

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