About Solving Depression

A friend of mine had depression. He talked often about destroying things. And he wished time would pass quicker so be could move on to the next phase of life. I talked him through it day by day, almost being a psychiatrist. But talking doesn't really do anything. When he came to me he was depressed and shortly after leaving me he would become depressed again if he had ever even left the gloominess. After a while it all sorted out. But not because of the talks. I'm sure the talks gave him some ability to help himself. But in the end it was the doing. He found things he enjoyed doing in his time and the depression cleared away.

He found good friends he enjoyed spending time with, started attending karate lessons a few times a week, tried starting a greenhouse, stuck to a plethora of daily habits (like brushing his teeth), and focused more on his studies. And by finding things to do, his depression disappeared.

So go out and do.

If you feel like your family doesn't love you, go join clubs and form a larger, stronger friend structure.

If you don't know what to do with yourself, then start a project.

If you feel that you want to skip ahead through life, then stop and find absolute beauty in your day.

Once you abolish your depression, give yourself a pat on the back for doing a good job. Then do the hokey pokey, because that is what it is all about.

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