The Difference Between Sharing And Giving (And Vampires)

With sharing comes mutual benefit. Plain giving has no such effect. If you were to share a video game session with your friend then both you and your friend would enjoy the game. If you were to give it to him, then only he would enjoy it. If you enjoyed giving it and your friend enjoyed receiving it then you shared the giving of the game, but not the game itself. Such applies to the 'sharing' of food. You are actually giving the food and sharing the feeling of gluttonous enjoyment as well as kinship. Sharing usually implies you will be favored or shared with later on. If this isn't happening you may be being attacked by an utility vampire (moocher).

Utility Vampire (Moocher):

If you are giving to others and they are not ever giving back, then they are being utility vampires. This is often considered alright as the person tends to provide good company and friendship in return. In this case they are giving back, and thus not vampires. True utility vampires take and never give back. I recommend telling them to get some sun and a life.

Are You A Utility Vampire?:

Are you a utility vampire? Think of everything you ever receive, borrow, take, or use. Do you ever provide that provider something in return? If not, you may be a utility vampire.

What To Do If You Are An Utility Vampire:

No need to stop receiving, borrowing, taking, or using. The optimal solution is to start giving back to those people. Not necessarily with material goods. Some attention, a favor, a good time. Anything in return for all the giving.


Sharing is mutual and giving is not. Vampires are bad, so don't be one. Don't just give, share.

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