Why Satanism Isn't As Bad As You Think

Satanism is not the same as "devil-worship". Since the advent of Satanism it has taken a radical swing away from the stereotypical "devil-worship" and has evolved into something modern (Not Devil Worship). Modern Satanism is mostly atheistic (Called LaVeyan Satanism by scholars and Satanism by adherents). This change hasn't been noticed by many, thus this article is one of elucidation. Here are things that define the modern philosophy:

1) Not Devil Worship

It is atheistic. What is truly being worshiped is yourself. Although the name Satan is attached, it is your inner Satan. That being your primal wisdom and carnal desires. The picture shown to the left is a representation of your inner wisdom and also a statue possibly being put up in front of an Oklahoma Courthouse. Considering that "you" are the only thing you can be completely sure exists, this is a logical choice. By doing so you also bring more focus and importance into your life and what you do.

2) Against Deceit

There is too much self deceit in Christianity. Satanism developed as a counter-religion because of the hypocrisy of Christians, followers and leaders. With the hypocrisy comes guilt and shame. Two things you don't want in your life. Satanism holds you should accept the things you do, do them without shame, do them responsibly, and not ask some unknown deity for forgiveness(and go on to do the thing again and again).

3) Allows You To Feed Your Carnal Desires (responsibly)

Everyone is born with inner needs. It is in our blood. It is in our genes. We need food, water, shelter, and love of all kinds. Satanism believes you should indulge in your inner needs and wants responsibly, as opposed to the irresponsible child molestation carried on by the churches.

4) Satanic Magic Is Psychological Priming

While there is "magic" of the sort, it isn't witchcraftery as seen by the Christian community. The "magic" is a form of psychological priming to help you with sex, competition, or compassion. Each in ritual form to sync your brain with what you want to do. One of the purposes of the statue (picture shown toward the top) is to elicit the placebo effect. When sitting on the lap of your Inner Satan you are absorbing its wisdom (which is your own, but it enhances your wisdom through the priming).

These are just a few things that stood out to me. Read the Satanic Bible for yourself and see what it truly is.

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