How to go from Boredom to Societal Improvement

Need something great to do with your free time? Or something to stave away boredom and improve your society at the same time? These are a few ways you can do such:

1. Start a business:

Heard enough of unemployment? Worry about all the people having life issues because they can't find a job? You can fix society's unemployment problem by simply employing your free time, to create more business. It'll fill your free time, spur your competitive drive, give another aspect to your life, attract mates, help unemployment (and thus society as a whole), create wealth, and give you a good reason to wear a fancy suit.

2. Teach, share your knowledge, write:

Knowledge is power. While humankind's pool of knowledge seems more like an ocean, you can make our ocean larger and grander. Just look over your life, all the things you know. Tell of things you have noticed. You are unique, the way you see things will be unique too. Even if you only contribute one tiny thing, then you have still improved society for the better.

3. Create, philosophize:

With new things society obtains new paths. The road to utopia is paved with revolutionary ideas. Perhaps you will put forth that world changing idea if you take the time to deliberate on it. Or maybe a game? Design a game that will challenge young minds so as to improve future human capital.

4. Find ways to improve peoples lives (especially your own):

Along the revolutionary idea line of thought, but on a smaller scale. What about your own life? Improve your own life and the life of those around you will improve by a portion as well as those around them. Or you could work out a way for there to be more happiness by inventing new technology

5. Think of ways others could improve society

Effective management leads to efficient improvement. Taking time to motivate others to spend their time improving would also lead to a better society (like this article). Use your imagination to generate ways people could improve their society as well as reasons to do so (society benefits, you are a subset of society, you'll benefit too).

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