How to start lucid dreaming with the W.I.L.D. method

"I am so jealous", said a friend of mine when he learned I was a natural lucid dreamer. And yes, I admit that controlling your dreams is pretty cool and lately I've seen a massive increase in the popularity of it. But not everyone has been doing it since childhood, and maybe some can only do it so well, or accidentally. So I wrote this guide to one method called W.I.L.D.. That stands for Wake Induced Lucid Dreaming.

The first step to controlling your dreams is remembering them. You remember dreams when the conscious part of your brain is active. The actual control is just a step further. But what dreams do you remember? Do you remember the one you had last night? In reality, that is a misleading question. The average person has between 5 to 8 dreams a night, and which one do you remember if at all? The very last one. The one you are in just as you wake up or about to awaken. W.I.L.D. is a way to help fix that.

To do W.I.L.D. you can do one (or more) of several things.

    1. Set a smart alarm:

     Something that is loud enough to awaken your brain, but not enough to actually pull you out of your sleep. Your dream phase starts about 45-60 minutes into your sleep, last about 30 minutes, and then goes through another deep sleep phase of 60 minutes, and then back to REM (dream) stage. Set the alarm times to the times you are sure you will be dreaming (it helps to have a consistent sleep schedule) and repeat to yourself (in thought or aloud) "When I hear this, I will not wake up, I will control my dream, I will do something awesome". It also helps to have an alarm that creates some light when it goes off. With this method you can start controlling every dream a night.

    2. Sleep another few hours:

     This is more of a weekend method, and isn't so great on a daily basis, but it is very effective. I can gain an extra three or four lucid dreams just by doing this. What you do is rise in the morning, don't go around anything bright or over stimulating, eat breakfast or use the bathroom, and then go back to bed for a few hours. If you sleep another hour and a half then you can have an entire lucid dream. To trick to it is, keep your body sleepy, but your mind awake. When you go back to sleep keep a disciplined thought, not passively bouncing from one thought too another. And when you change into your dream state, you'll still have that controlled thought, and you'll have that controlled dream. And if you are an experienced lucid dreamer, you can use this to have a non-REM dream.

    3. Go to bed tired:

     If you are tired enough, you'll go into REM rebound. This means you skip deep sleep and jump straight into REM sleep. Combine this with a disciplined thought and you will go from controlled thought to a lucid dream within a few minutes.

    Good luck,and may the dreams please you.

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