7 Things You Should Be Doing, But Are Not

There is a such thing as a perfect life. Sadly it rarely exists because people either do not know how to obtain it or do not try for something they think is mythical. These seven things are a step in the right direction. Try them and you'll be on your way to something new and true.

1) Exercising:

Exercise is a metabolic booster and a life changer. If you aren't exercising enough your body will become weak, your brain degraded, and energy levels low. So go out for some daily walks. Maybe a morning run. This can also put fused nicely with #4 and #5.

2) Exorcising:

Most houses are full of evil spirits. Everything wrong with your life is likely because those spirits are tinkering with both your possessions and your mind (another form of possession). So grab some holy water, an old sock, or a molotov to remove them, and your life will improve by however much you decide it does.

3) Eating A Wide Variety of Foods:

A variety of foods is necessary for a strong health. Even if you are eating a healthy diet, throwing in some new things is a must. Ever tried starfruit? If not, you should. What about African Spice Tea or Gumbo soup?

4) Trying New Things:

Getting out of the house is important. If you spend all the time in the box (watching tv) then you will become part of the box, think like a box, and eventually become nothing but a box — bland on the outside and hollow on the inside. So go out and do new things! Skate, go dancing, sports, clubs, skydiving, hiking, become part of the people of walmart, go antique shopping, even walking around your area until you become accused of being a vagrant is a break in the mold.

5) Challenging Your Brain:

Of all the things that will keep you young, novelty is it. New challenges. Mind gymnastics. Tongue twisters and brain busters. Cross words, Rubik's cubes, Omega Chess, and Three Way Chess are great puzzles.  Sports and dancing both fall into this as they both are heavy on the brain power. So a great thing is going to a dance club and learning some new dances. You'll meet new people, be exposed to new music, learn new dances, work your body dancing, and the whole time your brain will be working trying not to bump into anyone too hard.

6) Spreading Love:

"Oh, 'tis love, 'tis love, that makes the world go round" ~ The Duchess Although she had a questionable meaning this quote holds true. With more love comes more happiness, and with more happiness comes a better world. Spread the idea, love everyone, and make the world a better place.

7) Making New Friends:

Everyone needs friends. But the same old set makes life too static. So go meet some new people. You don't have to leave your old friends. Just set aside a few hours on the weekend to find new people to intermingle with.

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