Things to watch for in an easily depressed friend

                 I've realized how bad it is to have an easily depressed friend that I care for. They are so easily upset by little things. I was hanging with her yesterday and she became upset and started choking herself. While I knew she was easily upset and depressed I was completely surprised by what she was doing. It was so unexpected and now I wish I had seen it coming. So I started compiling a list of things to look for in an easily depressed friend in the hopes that it may help someone save someones life.

1.   Being upset over little things. 

       If they're upset over little things then that is the first sign that they are easily depressed and that they might try to hurt themselves.

2.   Having cut marks on their wrists.

      Cut marks on their wrists are obvious self-harm signs. they like to cover them with wristbands and long sleeves.

3.   Having knives or little blades lying around.

      If they have knives or little blades lying around they may be cutting themselves. This is the most common form of self-harm. They may not be cutting their wrists so you may not notice the cuts but they'll still have blades lying around. At this point I would recommend taking the blades and disposing of them. Cutting is usually impulsive 

4.   Items laying around that they say they never use.

     Things are always there for a reason, otherwise they would have been disposed of. She told me she never wore those lanyards but yet she kept them on her wall. I didn't know until yesterday that she kept them so that she could impulsively suffocate herself when she was feeling down. If they have something around that seems not to have a purpose it may be a self-harm device.
5.   Bruises around their neck.

      Bruises around their neck are never a good thing. If you notice a bruise on their neck there is something wrong.

 Those are five common signs of self harm that I have noticed. Save someone if you can.

If you have anything to add to this list please comment below. 

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