
Egocentricity is a disease, would you like to be cured? It is an ailment of society for its members to be egocentric and society suffers from it. So in order to allow our future selves and our descendants to live in a better society, in order to avoid the premature death of humankind, in order to form a more perfect union we must rid ourselves of this disease.
Egocentricity is by definition "self-centered".  Psychologists claim that children are typically egocentric by nature until they grow out of it in their mid-teens. They also claim that children that have psychological issues such as parental neglect, loneliness from a high level of uniqueness, or withdrawal from being immersed in a foreign environment will be psychologically "stuck" on that stage of their mental development thus restricting them from growing out of their egocentricity. This reinforces the idea that every adult is essentially an older child as nearly everyone is sure to have one of these issues in some form, quantity, or way. Related words tend to be negative such as: Self-centered, selfish, self-pleasuring, self-absorbed, self-involved, self-indulgent,and self-interested. Note the key to being synonymous with the word egocentric is the word "self". We don't like these words and they're typically insults, but language shows that egocentricity would be grouped with those under the key object of "self". This shows that "self" typically is full of things we already dislike, primarily our semi-egocentricism. This is quite a negative attribute as it could be quite a hindrance to society.
 For example, take someone who spend all their money on fancy restaurants and overly expensive toys and trinkets because they have the instinct to gather resources and pleasure themselves. This may seem fine as it may boost the economy and allow multiple service industries to exist specifically for that purpose. Though when one examines closer one may see that that person has children they almost completely neglect because they are spending all their money on self pleasure. Could you look the semi-starving child in the eye and say,"So what if your parent is egocentric?"
 Or perhaps one may see that they are actually the dregs of society that sloth about absent mindedly like the zombies they love to kill in their parent's basement after a good day of "still haven't found a job". If one was to constantly imagine society like a good cup of tea or coffee they would be quite annoyed at the frequency that they would see a large group of dregs at the bottom of society, making it bitter and undesirable. Can you really swallow the dregs and say," The dregs aren't so bad" without nearly gagging?
Also, egocentricity may be why the government is in a bad way. With most of the population being at least partially egocentric and a still considerable amount wholly egocentric it shouldn't be a surprise that the outcome of our politics is corrupt and immature. Any political candidate merely has to appeal to these self-centered desires and fulfill them accordingly when he is elected and he has both popularity and his job. I admit that since he fulfills the desires of the masses he is fulfilling his job requirements completely and is doing exactly as many believe a good politician should. The issue is not the politician, he is merely a leaf on the vine, it is the heart of the plant of corrupt government that is the problem: egocentric and ignorant citizens that   compose the masses. The masses control the government and the government controls you. Logic dictates that the masses control you and your life. The government is controlled by immature citizens and thus is immature in itself. Immature meaning egocentric in the sense of only caring for self and the present as opposed to a mature government that would trade current comforts for future rewards. Can you really stand as an individual and say,"It's okay for my entire life to be controlled by some selfish, immature older child."?
Now that egocentricity is defined as a child starving, society ruining, government corrupting disease that most people have  it would be pleasant to discuss what potential cures may potentially fix society. Self awareness,ability to think critically, and habit. The first step of problem solving is question defining, which is this article and other similar works. The second step of problem solving is defining the root of the issue, which here would be the egocentrism of the self. Self awareness would be awareness of one's emotions, traits, and behavior. Thus you cannot be aware of  your egocentric emotions,traits, and behaviors unless you are self aware so this would define the roots of the problem within yourself. Next would be solving the issue by solution finding and implementation. This would be critical thinking and habit. By thinking critically you would find the solutions to your egocentric thinking and maybe remove your roadblock to allow yourself to grow out of it. Habit then would be always applying critical thinking so as to completely avoid egocentric thinking.
Even if the battle is won the war is not. Even if you matured you are still surrounded by older children. So help them grow up, help society heal, help society thrive. As a famous president once said when people were trying to cure a disease, "It's not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country."

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