20 Things To Do When Bored

Boredom is the bane of the living. The mind dulling lack of anything to do. But you can cure it, escape it, and do something fun. Each of these twenty are fun alternatives, so try them.

1. Exercise

Exercise is among the best things for you to do. You need at least a half hour a day, but spending more than that improving your physique would be a positive health choice. You could go for a run down the street, to the park, to the beach. Spending hours running will take up that extraneous free time and improve you overall well being.

 2. Eat

Eating feels good. It is an indulgence. It is so important I don't think I could live without it. You could use this to fill in your free time many ways. You could find some snack and savor each bite: taste, texture, and all. Or you could binge eat, just see how much you could possibly eat. Just keep shoving your mouth full until you run out of things to eat or time. Then you could work off the extra weight with #1. A third thing you could do is go out and try new food. Ever had star fruit? What about Rutabaga? Try it, you might find something you love.

3. Read

Reading is a great time consuming activity that will open your mind to whole new worlds. And maybe you might find something in a book that sounds like fun (like lucid dreaming).

4. Write

Writing is the expression of self, and a great way to pass time. You could write your soul down on the paper, or you could journal about your day. You could write for a blog (like me), or maybe
 write short stories. Maybe you'll discover you have a knack for character descriptions or plot twists.

5. Make lists

Lists are great. Lists are good. Lists are fun. Make a list of anything. Could make a list of things you want to learn, a list of things you want to do, a list of dreams, or just a plain list of things within a category (Ways Obamacare fails, things wrong in the world, fruits, etc...)

6. Reflect on your life

Is life worth living without reflection? With reflection you can look back on things and realize how you could have done better. You can remember all the good times you have had and all think of more things you should start doing again.

7. Go back to school

School provides an atmosphere for intellectual nourishment. It helps you find new things and meet new people. You might be able to find a better job or maybe a new path of paid hobbies.

8. Go to a party, or host one yourself

Party Time!!! Nothing is quite as fun as partying! So invite all your friends for a good night.

9. Start a club

Clubs are a good way to meet and interact with people like you. Cold start a philosophy club, a hiking club, a music club, or maybe just a club of people who need something to do when they are bored.

10. Teach

Teaching is great. The feeling of giving your knowledge to someone else is exhilarating. Not only that but it is typically a paid hobby. Along with that you have plenty of social interaction and world exposure.

11. Home Improvement

Home improvement. That thing that is usually on a person's To-Do list, but never actually done. When you are bored this is the perfect time to improve you home. Drippy faucet annoying you? Tighten that thing up. Drafty door? Cover it up. Once you have fixed a few things you'll feel better about yourself and your life will be slightly improved.

12. Go people watching

People are odd. they do odd things in public. And if you watch long enough you'll see what kind of a person they are. Sometimes you will catch onto on an unusual snippet of conversation.

13. Write a book

It might take a while, but the time will be worth the reward.

14. Write short stories

Short stories are like books, but shorter (in case you were wondering). It doesn't take as long as a full book and you can do it in a sitting. The internal satisfaction will tell you whether or not this is a good way to kill time (which I would not recommend, time doesn't like to be killed).

15. Learn a new subject

Learning is the path to a larger world. And a good way to see more and get more out of each speck of life.

16. Expand your vocabulary

Like learning a new subject, it will lead you to new thoughts and ways of thinking.

17. Join a band

Bands are a great way to make a load of friends and enjoy some good music at the same time. And who knows, maybe you'll make it big time.

18. Listen to new music

Music is the soother of the soul. A good way to kill time. But listening to the same stuff all the time breeds boredom. So find new music. New types of music is better. Trans-cultural music is best.

19. Buy a recipe book and cook

This goes along with #2, is time consuming, fun, and most especially, delicious.

20. Shower

Last, but not least, showering. The best way to pass time and relax. Let your mind go and just relax. Boredom will pass. Weariness will pass. Stress will pass. All will come to pass.

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