Why have a Lucid Dream?

              Would you like to control your dreams? If you said "no" then you should read this article, but if you said "yes" then you should read it anyway and find out all the cool things that happen when you lucid dream.
                Lucid Dreaming is:
                                Stage 1- Dream Awareness
                                Stage 2- Dream Control
 In this article I shall be referring to Stage 2, dream control.
Why have a lucid dream?
                                You can do anything and everything. Being limited by only your ability to imagine and conceive will give you a sense of extreme freedom. Freedom so exhilarating that many people wake up and lose their first lucid dream from the excitement. Because there are so many things that one could do with lucid dreaming this article will only mention a few so here goes...
·         To have an adventure or fantasy
                                You can have an epic adventure battling aliens or fantasize about beating your boss with an orange. Many popular things to do are to fly, teleport, transform into an animal, or have intercourse.
·         Overcoming Nightmares
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                                Lucid dreaming can protect you from any nightmare. Just the knowledge that you are dreaming can make any nightmare just another dream. Why would one be scared of the monster chasing him if he knew that he couldn't die and that he could pull out a sword and chop the monsters head off? As living proof I have never had a nightmare since I started honing my lucid dreaming skills.
      ·         Creativity
                                Science has found that dreams are great sources for creative ideas and being able to lucid dream helps both remember them and also direct them toward what you want. Remember how Mary Shelly had a dream and wrote a book about it? She is world famous and her book is amazing.
·         Rehearse
                             Anything that you need to practice can be done in your sleep. It is one of the greatest ways to study! And since it is all in your head it is hard to become distracted and stays in your memory easier. Also it can help you practice your public speeches so that you aren't freaking out when the time comes to speak.

·         Healing and Improving Health
                        Visual imagery improves your health and lucid dreaming is a vivid type of mental imagery. If you’re feeling depressed just dream of flowing fields of grass or the colour blue and you'll be a bit better. Also if you dream of exercise then you actually have an increase in muscular growth.
·         Letting the crippled walk
                        If you have lost your legs or are crippled in nearly any way you can lucid dream and be back on your feet. (dream feet really) Not only that but you cannot feel pain from movement since your actual body is not moving.
·         Explore Alternate Realities
Alternate Realities- Google Images
                                Ever wonder what your life would be like if it was slightly different? You can experience it and discover things that you haven't thought of before.

            Do you want to control your dreams now? If you answer "yes" then you are about to change your entire life, but if you said "no" then you should see a psychologist as soon as possible because you may be mentally insane.

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