How To Avoid Procrastination

Procrastination is the American past time. Not baseball, not football. Even when you are doing those things, you are actually procrastinating something that has been waiting for you for months, undone, needing to be done. And procrastination is so easy, it requires no action, no effort. It is passive, you can just let it happen. So here are some unique methods for ridding yourself of procrastination:

1. Accidentally throw yourself into it.

Like purposely tripping. Decide that you will do, decide that it will be accidental. Put it off into the back of your mind. And when that trigger is pulled, that thing that reminds you that you have to do that thing just trip right into it. Don't even think about it. The thinking brings procrastination, don't think, just trip.

2. Procrastinating procrastination.

 What better way to rid yourself of a negative than negate it? It takes so much thought and effort to avoid doing something that it is so much easier just to thoughtlessly do it. So put off the procrastination, maybe you can do it next week.

3. Have one thing to procrastinate

 And do everything else you need to do as you procrastinate doing that one thing: Put something optional as procrastination rather than the important stuff. Taking out the trash? Nah, procrastinate. I'm going to fix that doorknob that has been on my to-do-list for the past five years.

4. Have a procrastination day.

 Once a year where you procrastinate absolutely everything. Wouldn't you find how absolutely silly procrastination is by the end of the day. And from there you feel the drive to stop procrastinating (until procrastination day comes along).

The best way to do these would be to use #1 to trip into #3 so that you do #2 until it becomes #4, but that is just on combination. They all work quite well individually.

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