Why Sharing Is Caring

The adage "Sharing Is Caring" is repeated to children so often that the lack of sharing between adults is astounding. So here are a few reasons why you shouldn't be a scrooge:

1) Marginal Utility:

The first few things are the best, but as you go on they lose their worth. Water for example isn't worth much in developed countries or countries with plenty of rainfall. But those from drier countries nearly have anxiety attack when they see how wasteful we are of it (Showers freak them out). So share your things with those who find it more valuable, it will spread happiness and societal well being.

2) People Like Sharing:

Everyone enjoys being shared with and sharing. It is hardwired into our brains. So if you don't need it, give it away and you'll have have wealth you didn't have before, that of happiness.

3) Sharing Knowledge Can Improve Lives:

Knowledge improves industry, improves health, lowers early parenthood, accelerates technological and scientific progress, and can increase the global happiness. So share everything you know (including this) and help the world.

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