Why You Are Neither Learning Nor Going

People complain of their life going nowhere. People are about as depressed (or repressed) as the economy. But why? We are free to fulfill nearly any dream, wish, or desire. Why are we staying in the same spot day after day? I blame procrastination. People could go places, but they don't.

Why do they procrastinate?
They could go somewhere, but they stay.
I point to fear.

Why are they afraid?
They could be heroically brave, but they aren't.
I say failure.

Why be afraid of failure?
Because society looks down on failure.
Meanwhile success is stifled by fear.

Is there a solution? Yes. Go out and do something. If it is hard, that is alright. Babies have a hard time standing at first too. They do it until they are strong enough, and then it is easy for them. It is okay to ask for help. Babies often need help too. A counter, a parent, a friend. They will help your ascent. If you fail then that is alright too. A baby never starts walking around the house on its first try. If you keep trying you will become strong. By showing heroic bravery against fear and courageously destroying your own procrastination you can remove your fear of being looked down on and be looked up to.

Dr. Seuss, a famous motivator
It is the same with learning (a prerequisite to success). If you try, then you will build your strength. With strength comes ability And once armed with the knowledge you should attempt a higher job or start a business doing something people don't know they want yet. This will change your life. It will get you to the top if you want to be there. You just have to start. You just have to try.

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