Surprising trend, Wearing Other People's Hair

It is alright to wear your friend's clothes, but what about their hair? This curious reporter found a random High School Girl and put the question to them, "Is it alright to wear other people's hair?"
"Yes, Like, sometimes", was her quick reply.
"Do you do so often?" this reporter inquired.
"Like,Yes", the teenager replied.
"How often would you say you wear other people's hair?" this reporter continued?
"Every morning I am wearing someone's hair. I don't think I've, like, ever worn my own hair since elementary school"

This is a surprising revelation in High School Girl trends. With its small, likely local, start it may be a few months, or even years before this trend hits a boom, but when it does it will be a sensation. Celebrities will be seen wearing other people's hair, couples will be trading hair with each other, and thieves will be stealing hair all over the place attempting to improve their social standing.
This 'hip' man is already embracing the movement

In the private sector companies will have to be formed to keep up with the massive rise in demand for other's hair. This will boost the Country's GDP and general well being both economically and socially, both things to look forward to. In addition this movement will help hairless cancer patients through their suffering. They, and people with fetishes for other people's hair, will feel comforted in being an accepted part of society again.

This movement will certainly be a grand day for human society.

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